解放前夕的1948年12月3日,在中国发生了一起震惊中外的海难事件。事件的惨烈悲壮,比1912年4月12日发生在大西洋上的冰海沉船事件,即“泰坦尼克号事件”,有过之而无不及,有3100人葬身鱼腹,比泰坦尼克号有1517个亡魂,更具悲剧性。那就是江亚号客轮遇难沉没事件。 江亚轮,是一艘由上海开至宁波的近海客轮。轮船的排水量3000余吨,设备较新且完善,定员为1236人。 1948年冬,国内时局发生急剧变化,淮海战役正打得激烈。沪、宁、杭、甬等地人心浮动。特别是旅沪宁波人,纷纷迅速逃离上海,返回宁波。因战时铁路受阻,人们多乘船取道水路离沪。 1948年12月3日下午3时,江亚轮满载着4000余人,从上海十六铺码头启碇开往宁波。乘客中有2207人持有当日船票。因乘客太多,船主已不顾乘客安危,售出票数已大大超过定员人数。加上轮船员工以及非法抢登搭“霸王船”的人不计其数。据估计,当日上了江亚轮的人数远远超过4000个。 当日下午6时45分,江亚轮驶出吴淞口,进入波涛汹涌
On December 3, 1948, on the eve of the liberation, a shipwreck shocked China and other countries in China. The tragic and tragic events were worse than the ice and water shipwreck that occurred on the Atlantic Ocean on April 12, 1912, namely the “Titanic Incident.” There were 3,100 people dead in the belly of the fish, 1517 more than the Titanic A dead soul, more tragic. That is the incident of the sinking of the Jiang Asia passenger ship. Jiang Ya round, is a Shanghai-Ningbo passenger liner. Ship displacement of more than 3,000 tons, newer and better equipment, capacity of 1236 people. In the winter of 1948, dramatic changes took place in the domestic situation and the Huaihai Campaign was fierce. Shanghai, Ning, Hangzhou, Ningbo and other places floating heart. In particular, people from Shanghai, Shanghai and Ningbo have quickly fled Shanghai and returned to Ningbo. Due to the blockage of railways in wartime, many people took ships to take waterways to leave Shanghai. At 3:00 p.m. on December 3, 1948, Jiang Ya-cun filled with more than 4,000 people and departed from Qijiapu Pier in Shanghai to Ningbo. There are 2207 passengers who hold tickets for the day. Due to too many passengers, the owner has ignored the safety of passengers and the number of tickets sold has greatly exceeded the number of members. Coupled with the number of ship employees and illegally robbed ride “King boat” countless. It is estimated that on the day the number of people on the river Asia round far more than 4,000. 6:45 pm the same day, Jiang Ya Wan Wusong out of the wheel into the rough