Book Review of Pride and Prejudice

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  Abstract:Pride and Prejudice,the masterpiece of the British writer Jane Austin of the late 18th century and early 19th century,mainly deals with the theme--marriage.Through analyzing the personalities of the typical figures in this novel and the attitude of the author towards their choices,this article gives a general impression about the novel and discusses the guidance for the modern marriage.
  Key words:Pride and Prejudice;Marriage;Love;Money
  一、General Impression
  Pride and Prejudice,a comedy on “the business of getting married”,is one of the best-known works.To me,the most impressive aspect of the book  is the discrepancy between Elizabeth and her mother.Mrs.Bennet is a woman who wants her daughters to marry wealthy men.We might even say that this is the ultimate dream of her in her lifetime.So when she heard that Mr.Bingley,who was a rich man was to come to their country,she racked her brains to bring her daughters to see him.Elizabeth is just different from her mother.She is more like her father,an ordinary country gentleman and content with their quiet life.So when Elizabeth is first proposed by Mr.Darcy who is in more possession of fortune than Mr.Bingley but is prejudiced against by her,she firmly refuses him just for a simple but basic reason,that is she does not love him at that time.Maybe Mrs.Bennet would fly into a rage if she knew what her daughter Elizabeth does to Mr.Darcy.
  二、Personalities Analysis
  Mrs.Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters.we can see that the business of Mrs.Bennet was to get her daughters married men with big fortune.
  Elizabeth is exactly the typical case representative of prejudice figure in this novel.As to her prejudice,on the one hand,the author paid attention to using the dialogue and depicting the figure’ s image when the author had cre?ated the figured dialogue;on the other hand,we also could pay attention to the verbal words and some slight action of Elizabethan.That we can find out from this literary composition reflects the prejudice dialogue scene in about Elizabeth’ s prejudice.
  三、Happy marriage—eternal theme
  The marriage between Elizabeth,the second daughter of the Bennet,and Darcy is at the center of the novel.It is most eulo?gized by the author,nevertheless,it is actually a painful love.They have passed a long torturous road to understand each other,to know themselves and to perfect themselves.
  When Elizabeth and Darcy first met at the meryton ball,they each made a bad impression on the other.Although Darcy,some and noble young people,are too arrogant and indifferent.”She’s just passable,not handsome enough to tempt him,” he thinks.From then on,she began to have prejudice against him.In the next meeting at pemberley,Darcy long yurt is haughty,on the contrary,he is Elizabeth and hospitable attentive.Elizabeth’s marriage is the author’s ideal.It is said that Jane Austen once met a young gentleman at the seaside and fell in love with him at once.But his sudden death disappoints her completely.Later she became the brother of a friend,however,broke the appointment the next morning.This makes it clear that Austen is not willing to marry off if they are not attractive to each other.Neither would Elizabeth.That’s why Elizabeth is her favorite character.More fortunate than Austin,Elizabeth found her lover.   Her marriage is not only an ideal one in the late 18th century and early 19th century,but still of practi?cal significance in the 21st century.The concept of marriage in Pride and Prejudice is not far away from us,furthermore,it brings us some enlightenment.Similar to the plot of the novel,when we are concerned with love and marriage in modern society,shall we not maintain a balance between love and fortune? That’s probably the eternal theme that Pride and Prejudice leaves us,and human beings will be in unremitting pursuit of genuine love and happy marriage.
  四、Pride and prejudice in Pride and Prejudice
  Pride,in my opinion,is a matter of attitude.When a person only needs to be himself and thinks he’s slightly better than another,he always puts himself above the masses.He assumed an arrogant posture.Therefore,various aspects of this attitude make it difficult for people to communicate at present,and this attitude often becomes the gap between one man and another mother.In our daily lives,we,the United Nations,consciously lead the way in  the novel;with Mr.Pride who sur?rounds this can easily appear also.In this world,we can also meet someone who is unavoidable nitpicks or criticizes the other people,these annoying people think that they are the excellent and do not often put on the eyes around an?other persons.They only take pride in themselves.They are perhaps over self-confident.
  In pride and prejudice,the author does not describe separation,death and love at Wuthering heights or Romeo and Juliet,but she reflects on the sharp and perceptive social reality.Through marriage,we should do a moral judge and think ethically about the relationship between human beings and reality.A person’s virtue(a person’s intrinsic value)is more important than wealth,so the state of facial use(a person’s extrinsic value).Pride and prejudice presents us with a variety of opinions about marriage,at the same time,it urges us to reflect on what kind of marriage contin sex is what we need and what kind of marriage is suitable for us.
  [1]Christopher Gillie·《奧斯丁导读》.北京:中央编译出版社,2001
  [2]Jane Austen.Pride and Prejudice,Yi Lin Publication Hous,2005
  [3]Jane Austen,Pride and Prejudice.北京:中央编译出版社,2004
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