《新唐书》是宋朝官修史书,于北宋庆历五年(公元一○四五年)开修,至嘉祐六年(公元一○六一年)修成。纪、志、表题为“宋翰林学士欧阳修撰”,列传题为“宋端明殿学士宋祁撰”。其中《艺文志》共四卷,采用三级分类法,按经、史、子、集分四部,四十四小类,小类之下又有细目,全篇有总序。收书共七九二二一卷。(据清沈炳震《新旧唐书会钞》统计,为七六二○四卷。) 在新旧唐书的比较中,《新唐书·艺文志》(以下简称《新志》)的评价要比《旧唐书·经籍志》(以下简称《旧志》)高,这是早有公论的。其主要原因在于《新志》的修撰条件要比《旧志》好得多。首先,《新
“New Tang Dynasty Book” is the official history book of the Song Dynasty, opened in the Northern Song Dynasty Qingli calendar five years (AD 10.445), to Jiayou six years (AD 1016). Ji, Chi, the table entitled “Song Hanlin bachelor Ouyang Xiuzhuan” column column entitled “Song Duan Ming Temple Bachelor Song Qi.” Among them, “Yi Wen Zhi” has a total of four volumes, and adopts the three-level classification method, according to classics, histories, sub-schools and four sub-sections and forty-four sub-sections. Received a total of seven hundred twenty-two twenty-two volumes. (According to Shen Bingbing’s statistics, “Old and New Tang Shu Hui Notes” is 76204.) In the comparison of old and new Tang books, the evaluation of “New Tang Shu Yi Wen Zhi” (hereinafter referred to as Xin Zhi) It is already a long time ago that the book, Ji Zhi Zhi (hereinafter referred to as “Old Chi”) is high. The main reason is that the “New Chi” compilation conditions than the “old Chi” much better. First, "new