Powdery mildew is one of the most important diseases of common wheat in the world. The rye long arm with chromosome 6R has the gene of resistance to wheat powdery mildew. Friebe et al obtained powdery mildew resistance by improving the original 6BS.6RL translocation line Arm translocation and deduced that the resistance gene located in the proximal third of chromosome 6R by C-banding.Because part of 6R chromosome long arm near the centromere is homologous to part of wheat chromosome 6 , Whereas the middle segment is partially homologous to Group 3 and the proximal segment is homologous to Group 7, so the more precise molecular marker for the position of the powdery mildew resistance gene on chromosome 6R is for a purposefully created powdery mildew resistant small Fragment translocation line, that is, the molecular marker technology for wheat powdery mildew breeding, is of great significance.