新生儿黄疸多发于出生1周内的新生儿,其发生率约为80%[1],因为没有充足的肝葡萄糖醛酸基转移酶,导致胆红素的排泄速度缓慢,一般来说足月的新生儿黄疸病在11~15 d逐渐消退[2]。多项研究显示,高胆红素血症严重可引发胆红素脑病,引起脑损伤而发生脑瘫等严重后遗症[3],因此及早治疗新生儿黄疸势在必行。本文采用茵栀黄口服液治疗新生儿黄疸,取得了良好的效果,现报道如下。1材料与方法 1.1临床资料选择2012年3月至2013年12月在甘肃省武威市人民医院儿科住院的新生儿黄疸患儿共120例,所选患者全部符合《儿科学》中对新生儿病理性黄疸的诊断标准。采用随机对照方法将患
Neonatal jaundice occurs frequently in newborns within 1 week of birth and is approximately 80% [1] because there is insufficient hepatic glucuronotransferase, resulting in a slow bilirubin excretion, which is usually performed in full term Of neonatal jaundice gradually subsided in 11 ~ 15 days [2]. A number of studies have shown that severe hyperbilirubinemia can lead to serious bilirubin encephalopathy, brain injury and other serious complications such as cerebral palsy [3], so early treatment of neonatal jaundice imperative. In this paper, Yinzhihuang oral solution for the treatment of neonatal jaundice, and achieved good results, are reported below. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Clinical data selection March 2012 to December 2013 in Wuwei City, Gansu Province People’s Hospital pediatric neonatal jaundice a total of 120 cases, all patients selected in line with “Pediatrics” in the neonatal pathology Sexual jaundice diagnostic criteria. The patients were randomized