1999年8月21日19时30分左右 ,距云南保山市城区三公里左右的汉庄镇汉营办事处汉营村包子山红山采石场发生一起坍塌17600m3土石方的特大事故 ,造成12人死亡、4人重伤、5人轻伤的严重后果。事故发生后 ,云南省委、省政府领导十分重视 ,责成省级有关部门领?
At about 19:30 on August 21, 1999, a huge accident of 17600m3 of earth and stone collapsed at the Hongshan Quarry at Hanzi Village, Hanying Office, Hanzhuang Town, about 3 kilometers from the urban area of Baoshan City, Yunnan Province. Serious consequences of death, serious injuries to 4, serious injuries to 5 people. After the accident, the leaders of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government attached great importance and instructed the relevant provincial departments to lead.