基督教馆是一座为2000年世界博览会而建造的基督教和天主教堂,建筑师通过建筑语言将其诠释为一个闹市中的静谧之所。整体建筑在汉诺威世博会结束时拆卸,之后在位于沃尔肯罗达的修道院基地上重新组建。本文原载于《Geometrie der Stille》,Verlag Das Beispiel.GmbH,Damstadt und die Autoren,2002,31~37页。略有修改。
The Christian Museum is a Christian and Catholic church built for the 2000 World’s Fair. Architects interpret it as a tranquil setting in the middle of the busy city through architectural language. The whole building was dismantled at the end of the Expo in Hannover and then rebuilt at the convent base in Volkenoda. This article was originally published in “Geometrie der Stille”, Verlag Das Beispiel. GmbH, Damstadt und die Autoren, 2002, pages 31-37. Slightly modified.