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以对东海进行综合研究为主的国家海洋局第二海洋研究所,1986年3月12日隆重纪念该所成立二十周年。 二十年来,海洋二所的科技队伍已从建所初期的几十人发展到四百多人,仅高、中级业务骨干就有二百多人,技术装备不断添置更新,日趋精良。这一综合海洋科学机构在党的科技方针指引下,把科研与国民经济建设相结合,取得了一批影响大,效益好的成果。在120项科技成果中有近40项分获国家、国家海洋局,浙江省的奖励,同时发表的论文有300多篇,还完成了诸如中美长江口沉积作用联合调查,东海大陆架调查,浙江省海岸带调查,浙江沿岸上升流调查,南极考察,遥感技术在海洋开发中的应用研究,大型水处理设备的研制等重点科研项目。现在该所已成为研究东海的主力军,也是我国海洋学界的一支重要力量。 The Second Institute of Oceanography of the State Oceanic Administration, which conducts comprehensive research on the East China Sea, celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the establishment on March 12, 1986. Over the past two decades, the number of scientific and technological personnel in the two maritime branches has grown from dozens of people in the early days of the establishment to more than 400. There are over 200 high and mid-level backbone professionals only. Technological equipment has been continuously updated and upgraded. Under the guidance of the party’s science and technology policy, the comprehensive marine science institution has made a combination of scientific research and national economic construction with a number of achievements of great influence and good returns. Nearly 40 out of 120 scientific and technological achievements were awarded by the state, the State Oceanic Administration and Zhejiang Province. At the same time, there are more than 300 theses published, as well as the joint investigations of sedimentation in the Yangtze Estuary of China, the investigation of the continental shelf in the East China Sea, Zhejiang Provincial coastal zone survey, investigation of the upwelling of Zhejiang coast, Antarctic expedition, application research of remote sensing technology in marine development, research and development of large-scale water treatment equipment and other key scientific research projects. Now the institute has become the main force in the study of the East China Sea and an important force in the oceanographic community in our country.
In this paper, we extend the diagonal shift formula (DSF) to complex diagonal shiftformula (CDSF) in a complex field, and give the theoretical proof of converge
去年7月14日,赫崇本教授不幸因心肌梗塞突发与世长辞的 消息传来,我们大家都感到万分悲痛。直到今天,我们仍然觉得 On July 14 last year, Professor He Chongben was unfor
梁银友是成功的温州人,早在改革开放之初,他便告别温州的乐清家乡,凭借温州人的睿智和勤劳,在中国羊毛衫名镇濮院镇打拼出一片新天地,成为当地名闻遐迩的成功人士。 Liang Y
It is known from data analysis that periodic fluctuations are obviously present in theprocess curve representing a storm surge in either the Huanghai Sea or th