On February 5, 2001, there was a slight turning point in the turmoil in “Nuclear IV” that had aroused heated discussions. Under the strong pressure from the opposition parties, Taiwan’s “Legislative Yuan” said it could agree that “Nuclear IV” will be built by the end of the year. Taiwan’s “Executive Yuan ”It is also ready to announce the resumption of“ Nuclear IV. ” Earlier, in the storm, the alliance of opposition parties led by Lien Chan and Soong Chu-woo launched a fierce attack on Chen Shui-bian. In a pressing matter, the beleaguered Chen Shui-bian turned to Wu Seng-wen, the then-defense minister at the time, for help and stepped forward. Military point of view about the “Nuclear IV” project hazards. Surprisingly, Wu Shi-wen, who always flaunted “the military did not ask politics,” actually said: "Based on the military stance, ’Nuclear IV should continue to be built.’ For a time, Taiwan