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2013年9月27日,商務部公佈《外國投資者對上市公司戰略投資管理辦法(修訂)(徵求意見稿)》,向社會公開徵求意見。徵求意見稿明確,修訂後的管理辦法適用于外國投資者對上市公司通過具有一定規模的中長期戰略性並購投資,取得該公司A股股份的行為,不適用於外國投資者通過所投資的股份有限公司首次公開發行股票並上市的方式取得A股股份的行為。同時,外國投資者戰略投資上市公司,屬於國家安全審查範圍的,應按照國家有關外國投資者並購境內企業安全審查制 On September 27, 2013, the Ministry of Commerce released the Measures for the Administration of Strategic Investment in Listed Companies by Foreign Investors (Revised) (Draft for Comment), and solicited opinions from the public. The draft of the Exposure Draft clarifies that the revised Administrative Measures shall apply to the foreign investors obtaining the A Shares of the Company through a medium- and long-term strategic M & A investment of a certain scale by a listed company, and shall not apply to the foreign investors’ Co., Ltd. IPO and the listing of the way to obtain A shares. In the meantime, if a foreign investor makes a strategic investment in a listed company and falls within the scope of the national security review, it shall, in accordance with the relevant state safety inspection system for the acquisition and acquisition of a domestic enterprise by a foreign investor
摘要:表见代理制度旨在维护市场交易秩序,保护交易安全。本文主要论述并评析我国学界关于表见代理的三种定义,揭示表见代理的本质,阐述关于表见代理构成要件的不同理论以期为我国的表见代理制度的研究带来些许建议和思考。  关键词:代理;表见代理;构成要件;交易安全  一、表见代理的定义  对于表见代理的概念,学界有很多观点。但笔者认为以下三种较为合理。  其一,"表见代理,指无权代理人,具有代理权存在的外观