各有关单位 :国家标准化管理委员会于 2 0 0 1年 1 2月 1 1日~ 1 2日在北京组织召开了“室内装饰装修材料有害物质限量”等 1 0项国家标准审查会。现将会议纪要发给你们 ,请有关部门和起草工作组按照会议纪要对各个标准提出的修改意见进行修改 ,按时上报国家标准报批稿。附件
Relevant units: The State Standardization Management Committee organized a review meeting of 10 national standards such as “Limit of Hazardous Substances in Interior Decoration Materials” in Beijing from January 1 to February 12, 2001. The minutes of the meeting will be sent to you now, asking relevant departments and drafting working groups to make amendments to the amendments proposed by various standards in accordance with the minutes and submit them to the national standard drafts in time. annex