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1、全部注册程序均为在线申报。n 2、首先在中国临床试验注册中心网站( http:www. chictr. org/cn/)建立申请者账户:点击ChiCTR首页右侧的“用户登陆”区的“注册”。n 3、
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Ipsilateral motor evoked potentials in a patient with unihemispheric cortical atrophy due to Rasmuss
The role of the ipsilaterally descending motor pathways in the recovery mechanisms after unilateral hemispheric damage is still poorly understood. Motor output
Decreased numbers of circulating endothelial progenitor cells are associated with hyperglycemia in p
Hyperglycemia reduces the number of circulating endothelial progenitor cells, accelerates their senescence and impairs their function.However, the relationship
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