蟹类,属于甲壳纲软甲亚纲十足目短尾亚目动物。在我国较为常见的蟹类约有280种,其中绝大多数为海生蟹类,能在淡水中生活的蟹类仅有10余种,而其中只有一种——溪蟹科(Potamonidae)纯粹生活于淡水中. 蟹类动物作为药用,已有悠久历史,在历代的本草文献中,均有散见,在民间的流传更是广泛.特别是近几年来,有的单位开展了海生蟹类动物的药用成份的研究。兹将管窥所及,概述如下.
Crabs, belonging to the Crustacea subfamily of the order Apodidae. About 280 species of crabs are common in China. The vast majority of them are marine crabs. There are only 10 species of crabs that can live in freshwater, of which only one species is found - the pure family of Potamomonidae. Living in fresh water. Crabs have a long history as a medicinal herb. In the ancient herbal literature, there were some scattered opinions, and it was widely spread among the people. Especially in recent years, some units have developed marine life. The study of medicinal ingredients of crabs. Here are some of the things to look at, as outlined below.