北京出入境检验检疫局从赤道几内亚入境旅客携带的可乐果中检出象甲,经技术中心植物实验室鉴定,并由德国象甲分类学家Jens Prena复核,确认为Balanogastris kolae(Desbrochers,1895),依据其拉丁学名及寄主植物,将其中文名称命名为可乐果象甲。经中国检科院动植物检疫信息资源共享服务平台查询,系全国口岸首次截获。可乐果象甲是危害非洲热带地区主要经济作物可乐树种子的主要害虫之一,在田间、运输及储存过程中均可危害。本文对可乐果象甲成虫的分布、寄主、生物学与危害及形态特征进行了描述,拍摄了成虫整体图及鉴别特征图,供口岸检测人员检疫鉴定参考。
Beijing Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (CIQ) detected melatonin from cola carried by visitors to Equatorial Guinea and identified it as Balanogastris kolae (Desbrochers, 1895) by the Plant Lab of the Technical Center and reviewed by the German meleogridian classifier Jens Prena ), According to its Latin name and host plant, its Chinese name as Cola fruit like armor. The Chinese quarantine animal and plant quarantine information resources sharing service platform inquiries, the first time the national port intercept. Cola fruit weevil is one of the major pests of Cola trees, the main cash crop in tropical regions of Africa, which can be hazardous during the field, during transport and storage. In this paper, the distribution, host, biology and harm and morphological characteristics of adults of Coleus bengalis were described. The whole picture of adult adults and their identification features were taken for quarantine identification of port inspectors.