去年7月20日,曾三同志85岁生日的前一天,我们带着刚刚出版的《曾三档案工作文集》去医院看望他,祝他早日康复,健康长寿。但是,没想到11月28日早晨,曾三同志与世长辞了,噩耗传来,我们沉浸在无限的悲痛和哀思之中。曾三同志是中国共产党的优秀党员,久经考验的忠诚的共产主义战士,无产阶级革命家,我党我军无线电通信事业的先驱,新中国档案事业的开拓者和杰出领导人。他虽然离开了我们,但他永远活在我们的心中。他的革命精神、光荣业绩和高尚风范,永远激励着我们不断开拓前进。曾三同志为新中国档案事业的建设和发展,呕心沥血,不遗余力,作出了不可磨灭的贡献。我们在曾三同志的直接领导下,从事档案工作几十年,对他的革命精神和高尚品质、热爱档案工作的坚定事业心、不断开拓前进的创新精神、求实务实的作风,感受至深。缅怀曾三同志,我们思绪万千,往事历历在目。 中华人民共和国建立初期,曾三同志先后担任中共中央办公厅秘书处处长、秘书局局长、办公厅副主任。他作为老一辈无产阶级革命家,从1927年大革命失败后,就在汉口、上海等地从事党的地下工作,以后到中央苏区工作,参加红军二万五千里长征到达延安,到达西柏坡,长期从事党的无线电通讯、机要、秘书、文书、档案等领导工作。因此,建国之初他就十?
On July 20 last year, on the day before the 85th birthday of Comrade Zeng San, we went to the hospital with the recently published Works of Zeng San Files to visit him and wish him a speedy recovery and long-term health. However, I did not expect that on the morning of November 28, Comrade Zeng San had died in the world. The sad news came as we were immersed in the infinite grief and grief. Comrade Zeng San was an outstanding member of the Chinese Communist Party, a tried and true loyal communist fighter, a proletarian revolutionary, a pioneer in the radiocommunication undertakings of our party and army, pioneer and outstanding leader of the archival career in new China. Although he left us, he lives in our hearts forever. His revolutionary spirit, glorious accomplishments and noble demeanor always inspire us to keep on exploring. Comrade Zeng San made an indelible contribution to the construction and development of the archives in New China with all his heart and soul and spare no efforts. Under the direct leadership of Comrade Zeng San, we have been engaged in file work for several decades. He is deeply touched by his revolutionary spirit and noble qualities, his steadfast dedication in working for his archival work, and the pioneering spirit of innovation and pragmatism. Memorable past three comrades, we have thousands of thoughts, memories vividly. At the initial stage of the founding of People’s Republic of China, Comrade Zeng San successively served as the director of the general office of the CPC Central Committee, the secretary of the bureau, and the deputy director of the general office of the CPC Central Committee. As a proletarian revolutionary of the older generation, he worked underground in the party in Hankou, Shanghai and other places after he failed in the Great Revolution of 1927 and later worked in the Central Soviet Area. He joined the Red Army for a long march to reach Yan’an and reached Xibaipo, Long engaged in the party’s radio communications, confidential, secretary, instruments, files and other leading work. Therefore, he was ten at the beginning of the founding