地以人名 我国现存的以人名作地名多是历史上遗留下来的,这些名称多属纪念性质,大体有三类:一以政治领袖、传奇人物命名,如中山县,原名香山县,1983年设中山市。二是以英雄人物或革命将领名字命名,如志丹县,为纪念陕甘革命根据地和中国工农红军第26军创始人之一刘志丹,1936年将其家乡保安县改为志丹县等。三是以文人学士命名,如济南有闵子骞路,闵子骞,为春秋时孔子的弟子,旧时《二十四孝》书中的典
In order to name the names of people in our country as the place names are mostly left over from history, mostly commemorative nature of these names, there are generally three categories: a political leader, the legendary names, such as Zhongshan County, formerly known as Xiangshan County, Zhongshan 1983 city. Second, named after heroic figures or revolutionary generals, such as Zhidan County, in order to commemorate the revolutionary base area of Shaanxi and Gansu and Liu Zhidan, one of the founders of the 26th Army of the Chinese Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army, they were changed to Zhidan County in 1936. Third is named after the scholar bachelor, such as Jinan, Min Ziqian Road, Min Zi Qian, the disciple of Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period, the old “twenty-four filial piety” book in the Code