目的 通过基因克隆和体外转录,获得H5N1禽流感病毒抗原基因的RNA全长片段,为病原学检测提供阳性定量标准品.方法 设计H5N1禽流感病毒血凝素(HA)、神经氨酸酶(NA)及基质蛋白M(M)的基因克隆引物,RT-PCR从病毒RNA获得相应片段,分别连接至pGEM-T Easy质粒并筛选阳性重组质粒,测序鉴定后酶切线性化,用T7 RNA聚合酶进行体外转录,产物用DNase酶处理、纯化后测定浓度,RT-PCR验证.结果 获得含H5N1禽流感病毒HA、NA、M全长基因序列的RNA片段,并可准确定量其拷贝数,质量浓度HA为503.9 ng/μL、NA为379.2 ng/μL、M为437.8 ng/μL.结论 获得的RNA片段可作为H5N1禽流感病毒核酸快速检测方法的阳性定量标准品.“,”Objective To transcript PNA in vitro in order to obtain quantitative standard for detecting mRNA of H5N1 avian influenza virus.Methods According to the specific sequence of HA/NA/M gene of H5N1 avian influenza virus,the primers were designed and synthesized.The fragments generated by RT-PCR were cloned into the pGEM-T Easy vector with T7 cloning protocol.The positive recombinant linearized plasmids were used to transcript RNA in vitro and the RNA was used as standard quantitative tempiate of RT-PCR method.Results Specific frsments were amplified from virus culture mediam,which were confirmed by DNA cloning and sequencing.The full-length cRNA of HA/NA/M gene of H5N1 avian influenza virus with precise quarttiffcation copy number was obtained successfully.Conclusion The HA/NA/M cRNA obtained could be used as quantitative standard for rapid detection of nucleic acid of H5N1 avian influenza virus.