Cerebrovascular disease (ACVD) is a common cause of secondary epilepsy (EP). This article collected our hospital from 1982 to November 1994 ACVD942 cases, including 69 cases of EP69, 69 cases of early EP attack in 39 cases, delayed EP30 cases. The data in this paper show that the overall mortality after ACVD complicated with EP significantly increased (P <0.01), especially in hemorrhagic ACVD significant difference, while there was no significant correlation between EPVD and death in ischemic ACVD (P> 0.05). Hemorrhagic ACVD is prone to early EP episodes, whereas early episodes of EP often exacerbate the condition and cause the patient to die. The authors also discussed the mechanism of ACVD complicated with EP and its treatment, and emphasized that active prevention and treatment of ACVD is the key to prevent this complication.