最近我们收到不少来信来稿,对本刊1981年第六期刊登付志庚、陈其生两位同志的《文书档案中人事材料的立卷问题》一文,提出了异议。现将来信来稿摘登如下: 湖北省襄樊市档案局雷秀荣来稿说:《文书档案中人事材料立巷问题》一文的作者主张“……突破年代,以人组卷,把凡是反映某一人的有关材料,不论是哪个年代的都集中起来……”。我个人认为这种作法欠妥,原因一是破坏了一个全宗的齐全、完整;二是档案和它的形成机关之间的关系最为密切,如分开立卷,则割裂了与其形成机关
Recently, we received a great deal of letters and submitted objections to the publication of the sixth issue of the journal, entitled “Issues Concerning the Filing of Personnel Materials in Document Files” published by Fu Zhigeng and Chen Qisheng in 1981. The following is an extract of the following letter: Lei Xiurong, Archives Bureau, Xiangfan City, Hubei Province, said: “The author of a paper entitled” Alley Entry for Human Resources in Document Files “claimed” ... breakthroughs in the era, Related materials, no matter what age are all together ...... ". Personally, I think this practice is defective because, firstly, it has destroyed the integrity and completeness of a Fonds. Second, the relationship between the archives and its formation is most closely linked.