安徽最南端有一个小县,其330万亩土地有林地占88.8%,活立木蓄积量达810万立方米,位居全省第一。此县就是以“祁门红茶”名噪遐迩的皖南重镇祁门县。 祁门丰美的森林资源得益于辛勤耕耘在植树造林第一线的全体林业职工和广大林农,更得益于常年驻守边关的木竹检查
There is a small county in the southernmost tip of Anhui Province, with 88.8% of its 330 million mu of land and 8.1 million cubic meters of living stump standing in the province. This county is based on “Qimen black tea” famous Qimen County in southern Anhui. Qimen Feng forest resources benefited from hard work in the forestry afforestation in the forefront of all forestry workers and the majority of farmers, but also benefit from perennial stationed at the border bamboo wood inspection