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文章提出了一款基于短路针加载的紧凑型平面高增益全向天线。天线采用两个背靠背折合偶极子作为基本辐射体,通过加载两个对称的接地短路针减小天线电尺寸,构成紧凑型结构,获得高增益全向辐射特性。背靠背折合偶极子和接地短路针能使天线在结构紧凑的情况下保持高增益全向辐射特性,采用改进型的平面结构和“T”型馈电网络使天线具有良好的不圆度。测试结果表明,设计的天线回波损耗(S11)小于-10dB的带宽为5.10GHz~5.58GHz(相对带宽为8.8%),且天线增益在工作带宽范围内有很好全向特性,在垂直天线的平面有一个稳定的4.5dBi增益,不圆度小于3dB。该天线的紧凑、高增益和良好的不圆度特性使其在无线通信中具有很好的应用前景。 The article presents a compact planar high gain omnidirectional antenna based on short pin loading. The antenna uses two back-to-back folded dipoles as the basic radiator, and reduces the size of the antenna by loading two symmetrical short grounding pins to form a compact structure and achieve high-gain omnidirectional radiation characteristics. The back-to-back folded dipole and ground shorted pin enable the antenna to maintain high-gain omni-directional radiation in a compact package with an improved out-of-plane antenna structure and a “T” feed network . The test results show that the designed antenna return loss (S11) is less than -10dB bandwidth of 5.10GHz ~ 5.58GHz (relative bandwidth of 8.8%), and the antenna gain in the working bandwidth range has a good omnidirectional characteristics of the vertical antenna The plane has a stable 4.5dBi gain, non-circularity less than 3dB. The compact, high gain and good out-of-round characteristics of the antenna make it an excellent application prospect in wireless communications.
2013年6月6日,美国前中情局特工斯诺登在中国香港通过英国《卫报》,揭露美国国家安全局从2007年开始,就实施一项代号为“棱镜”的网络监控项目,从音频、视频、图片、邮件和文档中全面掌控互联网企业的用户数据,对国内外信息进行监视,监控的黑手甚至伸向了包括中国、欧盟在内的各国官方机构。卷入该事件的公司包括微软、雅虎、谷歌等9大IT业巨头。  这一消息在国际社会上引起了轩然大波。人们不禁在疑问:政府权
Xenophobia against other Africans in South Africa exposes the competition for scarce resources and opportunities MIGRANT labor,both foreign and local,has played