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侦检关系有广义和狭义之分,狭义侦检关系的实质是侦检机关的立案管辖问题。在处理互涉案件上,侦检机关经历了从彼此分立到检察引导侦查,再到关联案件并案处理的演进历程。新刑诉法及司法解释背景下的并案处理是对检察引导侦查的补充和发展,由此开启了侦检机关处理互涉案件的新模式。并案处理既是司法职权优化的具体体现,也是强化检察机关法律监督地位、确保侦查行为合法性的重要途径。以优化侦检关系模式为中心,并案处理在立法和司法中具有必要性与可行性。 The relationship between detection and detection has a broad sense and narrow sense. The essence of the narrow relationship between detection and detection is the jurisdiction of the investigation organ. In dealing with inter-related cases, the prosecutorial agencies have undergone an evolutionary process from separation from each other to procuratorial work to guide the investigation and then to the handling of related cases. The handling of the case under the new Criminal Procedure Law and the judicial interpretation is to supplement and develop the procuratorial and guiding investigation, thus opening up a new mode for handling the inter-related cases by the criminal investigation authorities. Case handling is not only a concrete manifestation of the optimization of judicial power, but also an important way to strengthen the legal supervision status of procuratorial organs and ensure the legitimacy of investigation. Focusing on optimizing the relationship model of reconnaissance, the case handling is necessary and feasible in legislation and judicature.
夷陵之战是三国初年影响深远的一场战争。此战刘备损失惨重 ,但尚保留了后阵十余营及前锋向宠部等 ,利用夜色突围而去 ,并没有全军覆灭。陆逊之所以获胜 ,与吴国在夺取荆州的
利用激光拉曼光谱 (RamanSpectroscopy)、X射线光电子能谱 (XPS)、原子力显微镜(AFM )和X射线衍射 (XRD)对高能电子束辐射前后的表面结构进行分析。结果表明 ,随着剂量的增加
目的建立茶叶中溴虫腈、啶虫脒、茚虫威、三氯杀螨醇及拟除虫菊酯类等11种农药的气相色谱-质谱(GCMS)分析方法。方法采用乙腈萃取待测组分,萃取液经过氮吹浓缩至1 ml左右;固