剖宫产出现诸多并发症,我院曾出现1例因剖宫产合并肠破裂病例,在连续硬膜外麻醉下行子宫下段剖宫产术,术中见肠管与腹膜粘连,钝性分离肠管时肠管破裂,取出胎儿后,行肠管切除肠吻合手术,通过医护人员精心治疗与护理,该患者通过针对性的护理措施和积极护理干预,经过12d治疗,治愈出院。医护人员密切配合,针对患者的特点制定引流管护理及产后护理方案,密切观察病情变化,早期处理,未造成严重并发症发生。“,”The cesarean section has many complications, our hospital has appeared in a patients with cesarean section combined with intestinal rupture cases, in continuous epidural anesthesia for lower uterine cesarean section, see the intestine and intraoperative peritoneal adhesions, blunt separation of bowel intestinal rupture, remove the fetus, for bowel resection of intestine anastomosis operation, through careful treatment and nursing care of the patients by medical personnel, according to nursing measures and active nursing intervention, after 12 days of treatment, cured. Medical personnel to cooperate closely, for patients with characteristics of the development of the drainage tube nursing and postpartum nursing project, close observation of changes in condition, early treatment, no serious complications occur ed.