建国初,我国正处于国民经济恢复时期。我国的重工业基础还相当薄弱,工程技术人员少,而熟练工人的技术也不高,自己设计制造还相当困难。所以,我国兵器生产所走过的道路是先进行仿制,积累了一定的经验之后,才能自己设计制造。从步枪,可知一斑。 53式7.26毫米步骑枪 它并非我国自行设计的产品,乃是俄国的莫辛枪。该枪1891年诞生,后经1930年、1938年和1944年三次改进,而成为:1944年式7.62毫米骑枪。我国的53式7.62毫米步骑枪正是苏联1944年式骑枪的仿制品,于1953年定型生产。 经实战考验,53式7.62毫米步枪的射击精度好,故障少,枪刺的刚度好,但它终究属于非自动武器,存在着战斗射速低,操作使用不便,全枪重量大,弹仓容量小和耐腐蚀性能差等缺点,因此,很快被56式7.62毫米半自动步枪所取代。
At the beginning of the founding of New China, our country was in the period of national economic recovery. China’s heavy industry foundation is still quite weak, with fewer engineers and technicians, and the skilled workers are not very skilled. It is quite difficult for them to design and manufacture their own products. Therefore, China’s armament production has gone through the road to imitation, and accumulated some experience before they can design and manufacture. From the rifle, we can see. 53 7.26 mm step rifle It is not our own design products, but the Russian Moshi gun. The gun was born in 1891, after three improvements in 1930, 1938 and 1944, became: 1944-style 7.62 mm launchers. Our country’s 53 7.62 mm step rifle is the replica of the Soviet 1944 style riding launcher, which was finalized in 1953. After the actual test, 53 type 7.62 mm rifle shooting accuracy, less failure, gun stab stiffness, but after all, it belongs to the non-automatic weapons, there is combat firing speed is low, the use of inconvenience, the whole gun weight, small magazine capacity And poor corrosion resistance and other shortcomings, therefore, was quickly replaced by 56 7.62 mm semi-automatic rifles.