肾上腺皮质癌较为少见。肿瘤超过1,000g者更为少见。现将我院1例报道如下: 患者,男性,23岁。近一年来,因全身乏力、腰酸、腹胀、多汗,口渴,每月饮水量在2,500ml以上,排尿次数增多,经常低热而住院。血压158/102mmHg,体胖,皮肤表浅血管明显。左腹部扪及肿块,有轻度压痛,不活动。肝在肋缘下2cm。脾在肋缘下1.5cm。两下肢出现凹陷性水肿。血红蛋白14.2g/dl,白细胞11,800,尿蛋白微量,尿17羟
Adrenocortical carcinoma is rare. Tumors exceeding 1,000g are rarer. One case in our hospital is reported as follows: Patient, male, 23 years old. In the past year, due to general malaise, backache, bloating, excessive sweating, and thirst, the monthly drinking amount was over 2,500 ml, the frequency of urination increased, and hospitalization was often caused by low fever. Blood pressure 158/102mmHg, body fat, apparent skin superficial blood vessels. Abdominal cramps and lumps, mild tenderness, inactivity. The liver is 2cm below the costal margin. The spleen is 1.5cm below the costal margin. Depressed edema occurred in both lower limbs. Hemoglobin 14.2g/dl, Leukocytes 11,800, Traces of urinary protein, Urinary 17 hydroxy