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加入WTO后,中国企业要成功走向国际化,首先需要进行战略思维的转变。过去考虑做什么能赚钱,现在重要的不在于做什么,而是如何做以及做得最好。行业也不再分哪个好不好或赚不赚钱,今后将不存在好的行业,只有好的企业;或者说不存在坏的行业,只有坏的企业,全看自己做得如何。这种战略思维的转变十分重要,直接关系到中国企业能否成功走向国际化。原有的五大优势不复存在加入WTO之前,中国企业的原有优势主要表现在以下几方面: 第一,资源廉价。过去很多企业之 After China’s accession to the WTO, Chinese enterprises must successfully transition to strategic globalization in order to succeed in becoming internationalized. What you think of in the past to make money is not what you do, but how to do it and do it best. The industry is no longer a matter of whether it is good or bad, and it does not make money. In the future, there will be no good industry, only good companies; or no bad industry, only bad companies, all see what they do. This shift in strategic thinking is very important and has a direct bearing on whether Chinese companies can successfully internationalize. The original five major advantages no longer exist before joining the WTO, the original advantages of Chinese companies are mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, resources are cheap. Many companies in the past
方毓强   记者、作家、摄影家、旅行家。硕士学位。热衷于研究文史哲经,关注人类学。信奉“读万卷书,行万里路”,关注中外文化的交流,提出“有文化,无国界”的思想。访问过欧美亚20余国。发表文字数百万。在多个国家举办个人摄影展。    改革开放后,中国的经济日益活跃,各种合同也越来越多。但是,你别以为有了合同,就有了保障,就可以高枕无忧了。合同的陷阱往往无处不在,对方往往会以合法的形式掩盖其非法的目的