
来源 :老年学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:randomx1
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老年人的感染,临床上往往只有些非特异性表现或没有任何症状。在原有的疾病基础上又添增了感染以及机体困生物学老化储备力降低时,就造成老年人日常活动减少,意识模糊和尿失禁。此时老年人感染就缺乏常见的体征,确诊也就更成问题。这些预期应出现的体征中,发热就是其中一项。 Infection in the elderly, often clinically only some non-specific performance or no symptoms. In addition to the original disease and the increase in infection and biological deterioration of the body’s reserve capacity to reduce, resulting in reduced daily activities of the elderly, confusion and incontinence. At this point the elderly lack of common signs of infection, the diagnosis is even more problematic. One of these signs of fever should be one of these signs.