芷江侗族自治县位于湖南西部,聚居着侗、汉、苗、回等15个民族。1995年,率先在怀化地区组建了第一支由地方政府给编给经费、公安部门统一领导、消防大队负责日常管理的公安专职消防中队,现有临时编制人员12名,执勤消防车1辆,机动泵1台。中队的兴建,使该县消防工作迈出了可喜的步伐。 伴随着改革开放的强劲东风,芷江县经济焕发出勃勃生机,县域经济日趋繁荣,乡镇企业蒸蒸日上,第三产业方兴未艾,外商投资逐年增加。在这种新的形势下,县委、县政府从县城整体功能的需要出发,从过去的火灾教训中醒悟,萌发了组建专职消防中队的念头,但也有少数领导思想上存在着畏难情绪和模糊认识。为此,县委、县政府先后三次召开会议,专题研究消防建队的问题,并从三个方面提高认识。一是从消防工作的社会作用出发,阐明消防工作的好坏直接关系到社会的
Zhijiang Dong Autonomous County is located in western Hunan, live in Dong, Han, Miao, Hui and other 15 ethnic groups. In 1995, Huaihua was the first to set up the first full-time public security firefighting squadron in the Huaihua area that was allocated funds by the local government, unifiedly led by the public security department and in charge of day-to-day management by the fire brigade. There are 12 temporary firefighters, 1 fire truck on duty, 1 motor pump. The construction of the squadron made the county fire work a welcome step. Along with the strong east winds of reform and opening up, the economy of Zhijiang County has been full of vigor and vitality, the county economy has been booming day by day, the township and village enterprises have been thriving, the tertiary industry has been booming, and the foreign investment has been increasing year by year. Under such a new situation, the county party committee and the county government, starting from the needs of the county’s overall functions and from the past fire lessons, have given rise to the idea of forming a full-time fire squadron. However, there are also a few leaders who have the feeling of fear and ambiguity . To this end, the county party committee and government have held three meetings, thematic study of fire fighting team, and from three aspects to raise awareness. First, starting from the social role of firefighting work, clarifying that the work of firefighting is directly related to the society