在世界贸易组织 (WTO)的贸易技术壁垒 (TBT)协议中 ,对各缔约方应如何制定、采用和实施技术法规作出了规定。为同国际接轨和保护我国的民族工业 ,专家们就我国的强制性标准过渡为 (或改为 )技术法规问题进行了多次讨论。技术法规的定义是 :强制执行的规定产品特性或相应
In the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), there are provisions on how Parties should make, adopt and enforce technical regulations. In order to be in line with the international standards and to protect our national industry, many discussions have been held on the issue of the transition (or instead) to the technical regulations of our country’s mandatory standards. Technical regulations are defined as: mandatory product characteristics or the corresponding provisions