中国新诗即将走过几乎整整一个20世纪的路程,就在这个世纪末,我们发现中国新诗发展到现代诗的高度,却把自己的“一半”给丢了,那就是中国现代叙事诗。 中国新诗的发展应当有中国的现代叙事诗。 19世纪末,“诗界革命”兴起,其时,黄遵宪的千言长诗《罢美国留学生感赋》可谓“与世界思潮合流”的最早的长篇叙事诗。进入
At the end of this century, we find that the development of new Chinese poetry reaches the height of modern poetry while leaving its own “half” to be lost. That is, it is China’s modern narrative poetry. The development of Chinese new poetry should have Chinese modern narrative poems. At the end of 19th century, the rise of “Poetry Revolution” came into being. At that time, Huang Zunxian’s thousand-word poem entitled “Impression of American Students” was the earliest long narrative poem “confluence with the world trend”. enter