The structural reforms of production are not unique to our own country. All developed countries have experienced some similar reforms on many occasions. Of course, this kind of reform needs to take into account its own national conditions. In a society where we pay too much attention to ideology, journalists and politicians are not mean to talk nonsense. If we exclude the water, what we are trying to say is to develop the advanced and the most rapidly Effective economic sector, that is, to master the new technology of resource conservation: give priority to the development of science and technology-intensive production and so on. In the Soviet Union, the process was complicated by the fact that we lagged behind for 20 years in the first place and secondly due to the urgent need for the conversion of too large military enterprises. Practical analysis proves that even some rich countries can not quickly realize the transition to a new economic structure without absorbing foreign investment. Relying on their own financial resources alone is not enough in any case and there is therefore a need for supplementary investment from countries that have not started or have already implemented such reforms. This leads us to the conclusion that if the Soviet Union wants to reform its production only by using its own funds, Then the possibility of success is very much suspicious. If we take these characteristics seriously, it is not hard to understand that such a reform is absolutely impossible to succeed.