白霉素(学名:柱晶白霉素Ceucomycin)注射液为广谱抗菌素,其作用与红霉素相似,在临床广泛应用于各种疾病。在应用中发生过敏性休克者较少见,我们科曾遇到过1例,现报告如下:1 临床资料 患儿,男,1.5岁,主因流涕、发热2~3天入院19:30,来后给予白霉素20~u加10%葡萄糖100 ml静点,大约10分钟,患儿出现烦躁、呼吸较促,随之出现面色苍白,口唇发绀,呼吸急促,继而呼吸心跳停止,出现过敏性休克的一系列严重症状。即刻采取抢救措施:①立即停止输入白霉素液体,另取一输液器加糖静点,患儿取平卧位并保暖。②肌肉注射副肾上腺素
White fungus (scientific name: Celecomycin) injection for the broad-spectrum antibiotics, its role and erythromycin similar, widely used in clinical various diseases. In the application of anaphylactic shock are rare, we have encountered in one case, the report is as follows: 1 Clinical data Children, male, 1.5 years old, mainly due to runny nose, fever 2 to 3 days admission 19:30, After coming to give white blood 20 ~ u plus 10% glucose 100 ml static point, about 10 minutes, children with irritability, shortness of breath, accompanied by pale, lips cyanosis, shortness of breath, and then stop breathing, allergies A series of severe symptoms of sexual shock. Immediately take rescue measures: ① immediately stop the input of leukotriene liquid, and the other to take an infusion of sugar static point, the children take the supine position and keep warm. ② intramuscular injection of adrenergic