2003~2004年对广东、广西、湖南、江西乐昌含笑的14个种源与广东的15个家系种子进行育苗试验,结果表明:乐昌含笑平均种子千粒重143.9 g,乐两16家系千粒重最大,达202 g,千粒重在家系间差异较在种源间差异大。平均始发天数57 d,种源间的差异较家系间差异大。平均播种总天数为155 d,总平均发芽期为100 d,广东乐昌大源种源、乐两12与乐两16家系的平均发芽期在种源、家系中均为最短,家系间播种总天数和平均发芽期总体上比种源间短。场圃平均发芽率为48.05%,种源为24.85%~73.70%,家系为17.93%~88.44%,其中乐两16家系最高,达88.44%,场圃发芽率种源间及家系间的差异均很明显,以家系间的差异尤其明显。1年生苗木平均高48.6 cm,平均地径0.71 cm,广东乐昌九峰种源的苗高和湖南醴陵王仙种源的地径在种源中分居首位,乐两14家系的苗高和乐两4家系的地径在家系中分居第一位。场圃发芽率与种子千粒重、平均发芽期分别呈较显著正相关和极显著负相关,平均发芽期与播种总天数呈极显著正相关,苗高与地径、始发天数分别呈较显著正相关和显著负相关。聚类分析将29个种源与家系分为5类,综合评价以乐大1、乐两16、乐两12、乐两15家系种子质量最优。
From 2003 to 2004, 14 provenances of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan and Jiangxi Lechang were inoculated with 15 family germplasm in Guangdong. The results showed that the average seed weight per gram of Lechang was 143.9 g, Up to 202 g, the difference of 1000-grain weight between the pedigrees was greater than that between the provenances. The average number of days of origin was 57 d, and the difference between provenances was greater than that among pedigrees. The average number of days for sowing was 155 days and the average germination period was 100 days. The average germination period of Daxuan provenances, Le two 12 and Le II 16 families in Guangdong Lechang was the lowest among provenances and families, The days and average germination period are generally shorter than the provenance. The average germination rate of field nursery was 48.05%, provenance was 24.85% ~ 73.70%, pedigree was 17.93% ~ 88.44%, of which Le16 was the highest, 88.44% Obviously, the difference between family members is especially obvious. The annual seedlings averaged 48.6 cm with an average diameter of 0.71 cm. The seedling height of Jiufeng provenances in Guangdong Province and the diameter of provenances of Liling Wangxian in Hunan were the highest among provenances. The seedling height and music The diameter of the two families is the highest in the pedigree. There was a significant positive correlation and a very significant negative correlation between seed germination rate and 1000-grain weight and average germination period of seedlings. There was a significant positive correlation between germination percentage and total seeding days, and seedling height, ground diameter and days of onset were significantly positive Correlation and significant negative correlation. Cluster analysis divided 29 provenances and families into 5 categories. The comprehensive evaluation showed that the seed quality was the best in Luda 1, Le II 16, Le 12, Le 2 and 15 families.