美国流苏树学名:Chionanthus virginicus木犀科、流苏树属。落叶小乔木或大灌木,高3.5~6米,宽与高几同,开放型树冠。树皮灰色,幼时光滑,长大后渐粗糙,有点状突起,小枝四方型。单叶对生,窄椭圆形、矩圆形或倒卵形,长7.5~20厘米,全缘,叶尖下垂。花单性异株,白色,有香气,花冠4瓣,深裂成丝条状,长1.8~3.2厘米,雄花花冠比雌花长,聚伞状圆锥花序顶生,花梗底部有一叶状苞片,花期5~6月。核果卵形,下垂,长1.2~1.7厘米,深蓝色,9月成熟。
American Tassel Tree Scientific name: Chionanthus virginicus Oleaceae, Fringed tree. Deciduous trees or large shrubs, 3.5 to 6 meters high, width and height alike, open crown. Bark gray, smooth when young, grew rough, somewhat protruding, twig square type. Leaves simple, narrow oval, oblong or obovate, 7.5 to 20 cm long, entire, tip drooping. Flowers unisexual, white, aroma, corolla 4, deep into a filamentous strip, 1.8 to 3.2 cm long, male flowers corolla longer than the female flowers, cymose panicles terminal, pedicel at the bottom of a leafy bracts, Flowering from May to June. Drupe oval, drooping, long 1.2 ~ 1.7 cm, dark blue, mature in September.