壮写知识分子的英雄史诗 评秦腔《大树西迁》

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剧作家陈彦历时8年、5易其稿创作的用他自己的话说是“饱含热泪……献给投身西部建设的伟大拓荒者”的现实题材秦腔《大树西迁》,经陕西省戏曲研究院精心打造,赢来好评。这个反映半个世纪的历史沧桑、整整一个时代变迁的史诗性作品,被誉为“共和国的颂歌,中国知识分子的颂歌,大西北人民的颂歌”(西安交大宣传部长贾箭鸣语)。在共和国即将迎来建国六十周年的时候,这部内涵深刻、大气恢弘的主旋律作品出现在中国戏剧舞台,尤其有时代意义。 In his own words, the dramatist Chen Yan lasted for eight years. In his own words, he wrote “The Tears Full of Tears ... Dedicated to the Great Pioneers Involved in the Construction of the Western Regions” Provincial Academy of drama carefully crafted, won praise. This epic work reflecting half a century’s vicissitudes of history and an entire epoch of change has been hailed as “the carols of the republic, the carols of Chinese intellectuals, the carols of the people of the northwestern people” (Jia Jianming, Propaganda Minister of Xi’an Jiaotong University) . At a time when the Republic is about to usher in the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, this is a profound and profound theme whose main theme appears on the stage of the Chinese drama. It is especially of epochal significance.
3月19日。3月20日。华西官方两度公开接受记者采访,发言人分别为书记吴协恩和副书记孙海燕。  对华西来说,也许首次遇到重大变故,也许首次涌现大量各种诘问的各地记者,也许有关“老书记”的话题太过火爆丰富,新闻发布会现场七嘴八舌,长枪短炮稍嫌紊乱,不依不饶的现场采访甚至从场内转移延伸到场外。  吴仁宝走了。华西的未来发展始终是大家关注的焦点。  转型前景乐观吗?  在3月20日的媒体群访中,华西村党