中国古典哲学尤其是佛教哲学与宋明理学通过体用之辨而确立自己的哲学架构 ,一系列哲学范畴均是通过体用而建立起来的。但由于那种“贵体贱用”的体用论模式 ,导致了古典思想的形而上学取向 ,从而把世界还原为本个独立的本体的作用形式或显现形式。在古典形而上学世界观终结的明清之际 ,传统的体用论也面临着危机 ,王夫之把传统的“贵体贱用”的形而上学体用论转换为“相与为体”的交互体用论模式 ,从而实现了中国体用哲学的现代范式转换。
Chinese classical philosophy, especially Buddhism and Song and Ming dynasties, established their own philosophical structure through the distinction between body use and a series of philosophical categories were established through body use. However, due to the kind of “pragmatic and cheap” usage mode, the metaphysical orientation of classical thought has been led to restore the world to the role of the independent ontology. At the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasty, the classical theory of the utility was faced with crisis. Wang Fuzhi converted the traditional theory of metaphysics from “expensive to cheap” into an interactive one-on-one model , Thus realizing the modern paradigm shift of Chinese philosophy of use.