To solve the problem of investment portfolio with single goal of maximal NPV, a 0- 1 programming model was proposed and proved effective; and to solve that concerning more elements of a project such as risk level and social benefit, a goal programming model is then introduced. The latter is a linear programming model adopting slack variable called deviation variable to turn inequation constraint into equation constraint, introducing a priority factor to denote different importance of the goals. A case study has demonstrated that this goal programming model can give different results according to different priority requirement of each objective.
To solve the problem of investment portfolio with single goal of maximal NPV, a 0-1 programming model was proposed and proved effective; and to solve that about more elements of a project such as risk level and social benefit, a goal programming model then then introduced. The latter is a linear programming model adop slack variable called deviation variable to turn inequation constraint into equation constraint, introducing a priority factor to denote different importance of the goals. A latter study to different priority requirement of each objective