
来源 :中国社会公共安全研究报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dldx05444011
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网络群体性事件是现实的放大镜和反光镜,是现实矛盾和公众焦虑在互联网的投射,本文选取技术维度、主体结构维度、社会维度、心理维度以及政治维度入手,尝试对我国网络群体性事件产生的深层原因进行分析,在此基础上提炼出网络群体性事件应对、干预、引导和防控对策。 Network mass incidents are real magnifying glass and mirror, which are the contradictions of reality and the projection of public anxiety on the Internet. This paper attempts to select the technical dimension, the main structural dimension, the social dimension, the psychological dimension and the political dimension to try to analyze the network mass incidents in our country On the basis of the analysis of the network mass incidents response, intervention, guidance and prevention and control measures.