70年前,在闽浙赣边区占有重要地位的闽北,诞生了中国共产党闽北分区委。为了夺取革命的胜利,闽北党组织始终站在斗争的最前列,领导团结闽北人民进行了前赴后继,不屈不挠的英勇斗争,献出了数十万革命先烈的鲜血和生命。这是我们永远要铭记的。 一、闽北分区委建立之前闽北党组织的设立与状况 闽北革命根据地,是中国共产党创立的早期革命根据地之一,是
70 years ago, Minbei, an important place in the border areas of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi Province, was born. The Communist Party of China called the North Fujian sub-district committee. In order to win the victory of the revolution, party organizations in northern Fujian always stood at the forefront of the struggle, led the people in northern Fujian to carry out the heroic struggle that followed one after another and persevered with indomitable tribulation and sacrificed the blood and lives of hundreds of thousands of revolutionary martyrs. This is something we will always remember. First, before the establishment of Northern Fujian Regional Party Committee Northern Fujian Party organization and the establishment of the revolutionary bases in northern Fujian, the Chinese Communist Party was founded in one of the early revolutionary base is