我省淮北平原是红富士苹果生产的次适宜区。夏季气温高,昼夜温差小,冬季多干旱,夏季降雨量集中,病虫害发生种类多而频繁。导致红富士苹果着色差,果皮粗糙,光洁度差,果形不端正,加之采收过早,风味较淡。尽快从技术上采取措施,提高红富士苹果的品质,增加果农的经济效益,是目前我省红富士苹果栽培中的首要问题。 1 加强地下管理、增肥壮树红富士苹果对肥、水条件要求较高,特别是
Huaibei Plain in our province is the second most suitable area for production of Red Fuji apples. Summer high temperatures, small temperature difference between day and night, more drought in winter, summer rainfall concentrated, pests and diseases occur frequently and frequently. Red Fuji apple lead to poor color, rough skin, poor finish, fruit shape is not correct, combined with premature harvest, lighter flavor. As soon as possible from the technical measures to improve the quality of Red Fuji apple and increase the economic benefits of fruit growers, is currently the province of Red Fuji apple cultivation in the first issue. 1 to strengthen underground management, fertilizing strong tree Fuji apple fertilizer and water conditions require higher, especially