齐心合力 振兴京剧——中国京剧艺术基金会成立

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1992年11月23日,中国京剧艺术基金会在人民大会堂三楼小礼堂召开成立大会。中共中央政治局常委李瑞环到会祝贺并讲话。他说,京剧是我们祖国文化的瑰宝。当代人有责任重视它、发扬它,决没有权利丢掉它或使它凋谢下来。振兴京剧的工作这几年有进展,特别是徽班进京200周年纪念活动以来的一段时间,确有许多可喜现象,但存在的问题和困难仍是很多的。对于这些问题和困难,中国京剧艺术基金会、文化部振兴京剧指导委员会等有关部门,要认真研究,通盘考虑,长远规划,分出轻重缓急,逐个地加以解决。他向第一批慷慨解囊给基金会捐赠的朋友们,表示敬意和感谢。他希望基金会成立以后积极开展一些义演和宣传活动,把影响搞大,使 On November 23, 1992, the China Peking Opera Arts Foundation held a founding meeting in the small auditorium on the third floor of the Great Hall of the People. Li Ruihuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, is here to congratulate and deliver a speech. He said Peking Opera is a treasure of the culture of our motherland. It is the responsibility of the present generation to value it, promote it, and never have the power to throw it away or wither it away. The revitalization of Beijing Opera has made progress in recent years. Especially since the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the emblem class to Beijing, there have indeed been many welcome phenomena. However, there are still many problems and difficulties. For these problems and difficulties, the relevant departments of China Peking Opera Arts Foundation and the Ministry of Culture to revitalize the Beijing Opera Steering Committee should seriously study, consider in a long-term manner, and make long-term plans, prioritize and solve problems one by one. He paid tribute and gratitude to the first generous donations to the Foundation’s friends. He hoped that after the founding of the Foundation, it will actively carry out some charity performances and propaganda activities so as to enlarge the influence and make
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