
来源 :新世纪水泥导报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovezx1990
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世界水泥工业发展已有176年历史,中国水泥工业发展也有111年的历程。其发展可分为索取型→粗放型→质量效益型→环境材料型等四个阶段。目前,发达国家已进入环境材料型发展阶段,并向纵深发展;我国则处于粗放型、质量效益型并存,同时向环境材料型过渡的阶段。 索取型:是指为了获得有用的水泥产品,无节制地向大自然索取和废弃。这是水泥工业诞生初期状况。 粗放型:指水泥工业生产技术获得一定进展后,用改进提高后的初级技术生产产品,对环境污染采用被动的末端治理措施。这是1887年回转窑诞生后状况。 The development of the world cement industry has 176 years of history. The development of China’s cement industry has also been 111 years. Its development can be divided into four stages: request type, extensive type, quality and efficiency type, and environmental material type. At present, the developed countries have entered the stage of environmental material development and are developing in depth; China is in the phase of extensive and quality-efficient coexistence and transition to environmental materials at the same time. Asking for type: refers to taking and discarding nature unrestrainedly in order to obtain useful cement products. This is the initial stage of the cement industry. Extensive: After the cement industry has achieved certain progress in production technology, it uses improved primary technologies to produce products, and adopts passive end-of-pipe measures for environmental pollution. This is the situation after the birth of the rotary kiln in 1887.
测定了木醋杆菌所产生纤维素中纤维素、蛋白质、脂肪的含量 ,分别为 95.8%、1 .7%、1 .3% ,并且通过电镜扫描观察了产品的微观结构 ,比较了不同的培养方式对纤维素结构的影响
1系统状况rn诸暨八方水泥公司,原有2条NH-600 t/d预热器窑生产线.rn