博物馆是一种文化现象,它从来不是中性的,而是有强烈的价值取向,因为博物馆是“文化基因”的保存所,每个博物馆都应根据文化基因的差异确定自己的使命与定位。改革开放以来,随着城市建设事业的发展,博物馆建设也日益受到人们的重视, 它在城市文化传承和涵养城市底蕴方面的作用和地位日益为人们所认识。而博物馆的资料室建设,作为一种独特的信息资源已经得到人们的开发的利用。人们在利用博物馆这种原始档案资料的同时,还需要比较新的科技倩息与市场动态。因此开发
Museum is a cultural phenomenon, it is never neutral, but has a strong value orientation, because the museum is the preservation of “cultural gene”, each museum should be based on cultural differences in genes to determine their own mission and orientation. Since the reform and opening up, with the development of urban construction, the construction of museum has also been paid more and more attention by people. Its role and status in the inheritance of urban culture and urban heritage are increasingly recognized. The museum’s information room construction, as a unique information resources have been the development of people’s use. While using the original archival materials of museums, people also need new technology and market dynamics. So developed