自20世纪70年代末开始改革发展以来,中国的经济增长和社会发展有许多令人不解之处,其中最引人注目的莫过于以下这对矛盾:一方面,在过去26年中,中国的经济增长速度惊人:1978—2004年,中国GDP年均实际增长率9.4%;人均GDP年均实际增长率为8.2%,中国人的福利状况大为改善;另一方面,中国经济中也存在许多问题,其中最突出的是腐败和贫富差距的扩大。由官商勾结而产生的贪污受贿案件数量众多,每年都有大量官员因此受到刑罚;基尼系数从19 82年的0.30上升到2002年的0.45。如果说经济高速增长离不开企业家的创新活动,而腐败又与企业家的寻租行为有关的话,那么,为什么一方面企业家从事了大量有利于经济发展的生产性活动,而另一方面又有不少企业家才能被运用到非生产性领域?两种现象共存的原因是什么?
Since the reforms began in the late 1970s, there have been many puzzling points about China’s economic growth and social development. The most striking of these are the following contradictions: On the one hand, in the past 26 years, China The rate of economic growth is staggering: from 1978 to 2004, the average annual growth rate of China’s GDP was 9.4%; the annual average real growth rate of per capita GDP was 8.2%; the welfare status of Chinese people was greatly improved; on the other hand, China There are also many problems in the economy. The most prominent of these are corruption and the widening gap between the rich and the poor. The large number of cases of corruption and bribery resulting from the collusion of officials and merchants resulted in the punishment of a large number of officials every year. The Gini Coefficient rose from 0.30 in 1982 to 0.45 in 2002. If rapid economic growth can not be separated from entrepreneurial innovation and corruption is related to entrepreneurs’ rent-seeking behavior, then why do entrepreneurs, on the one hand, engage in a large number of productive activities conducive to economic development, on the other hand There are many entrepreneurs can be applied to the non-productive areas? What are the two coexistence phenomenon?