认清形势 采取措施抓好组织收入工作

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湖南省在7月下旬召开了全省税务工作会议。会议回顾了一年来的工作,研究分析了当前的形势,提高了思想认识,并且明确指出,全省税务部门当前突出的中心任务是健全税务机构,充实税务干部,促进生产发展,大力组织收入。会议强调了在当前经济情况发展和变化中税收工作的重要性和它所负担的重要任务。并且指出,税收工作不仅现在,而且在今后一个相当长的历史 Hunan Province held a tax conference in the province in late July. The meeting reviewed the past year’s work, studied and analyzed the current situation and raised its ideology, and clearly pointed out: Currently, the central task of the provincial tax department is to improve the tax authorities, enrich the tax cadres, promote the development of production and vigorously organize revenue. The meeting emphasized the importance of tax work and the important tasks it shoulders in the current economic developments and changes. And pointed out that the tax work not only now, but in the future a very long history
新年的大门轻轻开启,大自然公正地让每个人都有权站在这扇大门前面。 太阳从地平线冉冉上升,它召唤人们,向前迈步。 The door of the New Year was lightly opened and nat
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梅毒是性病的一种,其危害性极大,不仅个人受累,且可传给配偶,殃及子孙。 由于在相当长的时间内,梅毒在我国消声匿迹,当它死灰复燃时,人们因对它认识不清而失去早期治疗的机
1996年2月10日夜9时许,一架银雁掠过万家灯火在上海虹桥机场降落。机舱门打开后,便见几位公安干警押着3个垂丧着脸的对象,疾步向停在出口处的警车走去。 警灯闪烁,警车穿过
In situ Al2O3np/Al-Al11Ce3 nanocomposite was successfully synthesized from Al-CeO2 system using a novel two-step processing method that combines liquid-state me