Simulation of the Fate of Faecal Bacteria in Estuarine and Coastal Waters Based on A Fractionated Se

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangsao
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A two-dimensional depth-integrated numerical model is refined in this paper to simulate the hydrodynamics, graded sediment transport process and the fate of faecal bacteria in estuarine and coastal waters. The sediment mixture is divided into several fractions according to the grain size. A bed evolution model is adopted to simulate the processes of the bed elevation change and sediment grain size sorting. The faecal bacteria transport equation includes enhanced source and sink terms to represent bacterial kinetic transformation and disappearance or reappearance due to sediment deposition or re-suspension. A novel partition ratio and dynamic decay rates of faecal bacteria are adopted in the numerical model. The model has been applied to the turbid water environment in the Bristol Channel and Severn estuary, UK. The predictions by the present model are compared with field data and those by non-fractionated model. A two-dimensional depth-integrated numerical model is refined in this paper to simulate the hydrodynamics, graded sediment transport process and the fate of faecal bacteria in estuarine and coastal waters. A: The sediment mixture is divided into several fractions according to the grain size. A bed evolution model is adapted to simulate the processes of the bed elevation change and sediment grain size sorting. The faecal bacteria transport equation includes enhanced source and sink terms to represent bacterial kinetic transformation and disappearance or reappearance due to sediment deposition or re-suspension. A novel partition ratio and dynamic decay rates of faecal bacteria are adopted in the numerical model. The model has been applied to the turbid water environment in the Bristol Channel and Severn estuary, UK. The predictions by the present model are compared with field data and those by non-fractionated model.
一、清代贵州乡试概述  清代的科举基本上沿用了明朝旧制,也分为文科、武科两种形式。每三年举行一次,分三级进行考试.清代统治者重视文科考试,朝廷的栋梁贤士都是从文科中出来。文科的第一级考试为童试,第二级考试为乡试,第三级考试,包括会试、复试和殿试三种。  乡试为每三年一考,逢子、卯、午、酉年举行。例如,“顺治元年十月定乡试俱于子、卯、午、酉年举行”(《皇朝通典》卷二十八),因乡试在秋季举行,所以称为
一、车库归属界定的意义rn车库和车位之间存在着较大的差异, 车库是建筑物的一种类型, 具有建筑物的共有特点, 其四周属于封闭的空间.车库和停车场及露天停车位存在着较大的