海岸公园环境管理作为重要的生态经济发展问题,在制定有效政策时,相关信息至关重要,尤其是与娱乐或游憩相关的环境属性经济价值评价.本文以大连沿海公园为研究区域,选取海滩类型、垃圾情况、水质清澈度、拥挤程度四个环境要素,采用三种离散选择模型对游客的环境改善支付意愿(Willingness to pay,WTP)进行了估算.研究发现水质改善和减少垃圾的经济价值最高,分别为40.69元和70.55元,另外,游客对于拥挤程度的改善意愿不明显(–0.12元).此外,本研究针对公园属性组合对受访者偏好及异质性进行了分析,结果表明,在给定的属性因素中,不同游客个体特征下的WTP存在显著的异质性,女性游客较男性对水质改善有着更高的WTP,游客收入水平与支付意愿也有明显的正相关性,从事游泳和划船活动的游客对水质的WTP较高(59.83元).这些发现为沿海公园管理者制定有价值的政策提供了有用的信息.“,”The management of the coastal park environment is a major ecological and economic development is-sue. In developing effective policies, relevant infor mation is essential, especially the economic valuation of various recreation-related environmental attributes. This study used Dalian coastal parks as a pilot study area and esti-mated the wilingness to pay (WTP) of tourists using three different discrete choice models. In this study, we ana-lyzed the preference heterogeneity among the respondents regarding a combination of park attributes, and the in-dividual respondent's WTP values were estimated for each attribute. The results indicate that water quality ame-lioration and trash reduction had the highest economic values among the given attribute factors. In addition, the estimated tourist WTP varied considerably among different segments, such as among the visitors who preferred different recreational activities. These findings provide valuable infor mation that will alow coastal park managers to develop policies which maintain a balance between tourism development and improvement of the coastal envi-ronment.