小时候就对音乐有种奇特的感受,原因简单:我唱歌是“左”的,此言出自吾兄之口,天晓得三岁那年因为什么事得罪了他,让他使出这道杀手锏,于是从那时起我便惜声如金,只有洗碗或在走廊过道里左右无人而回声效果与心情俱佳时才会放歌几回。偶尔在卡拉 OK 狂欢之余,也会附和友人唱上几声,每句之间就会非常紧张地询问左右:“左不左?是不是很难听?”有人讲双生家庭子女之间的相互影响是很大
I had a strange feeling for a child when I was a child. The reason is simple: I sing “left”. This remark comes from the mouth of my brother. When I was three years old, I was offended by what happened to him and let him make this killer. Since then, I have resented the sound of gold, only to wash a few times in the washroom or in the corridor aisle left and right and echoes and feelings are good. Occasionally, during the revelry of karaoke, we will also sing a few times with our friends and ask very anxiously about each sentence: “Is it not hard to hear the words left or not?” Some people talk about the mutual influence between children of twin families It is great