岳西谈判 抗日战争爆发后,安 徽各地党组织和红军游击队努力推动 安徽地区的国共和谈,实现国共合作, 共御外侮。坚持鄂豫皖边区三年游击 战争的红二十八军政委高敬亭于1937 年7月13日,主动向国民党鄂豫皖边区 督办公署发出“停战谈判,共同抗日” 的倡议。经过几轮谈判,7月27日,双 方在岳西县青天畈达成停战协议。协 议生效后,红二十八军陆续下山接受 改编,踏上了抗日征途。
Following the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in the Yuexi negotiations, the party organizations in Anhui Province and the Red Army guerrillas worked hard to promote the Kuomintang-Communist peace talks in Anhui Province. On July 13, 1937, Gao Jingting, the political commissar of the Red Army that insisted on the three-year guerrilla war in the border areas of Hubei, Henan and Anhui Province, voluntarily sent an initiative of “Armistice Negotiation and Joint Resisting Japan” to the Kuomintang Eun-Wan-Wan Border Region Office. After several rounds of negotiations, on July 27, the two sides reached a cease-fire agreement in Yuexi County Qingtianlun. After the entry into force of the agreement, the Red Twenty-Eight Corps gradually went down to adapt to embark on the anti-Japanese journey.