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在这个充斥着纸媒危险论的时代,少数优秀的文化类杂志如英国的Monocle,日本的KIE却取得了令人瞩目的成绩。除有良好的内容资讯及一手题材外,他们的装帧设计也都是别具一格,个性突出。本文尝试从其装帧设计的几个方面展开分析,着重谈了图文结合、版式细节、整体装帧品质等方面问题。希望借鉴其成功案例,归纳出值得我们参考学习的要点。 In this era full of media danger, a handful of excellent cultural magazines such as Monocle in England and KIE in Japan have made remarkable achievements. In addition to good content information and first-hand subjects, their designs are also unique style, outstanding personality. This article attempts to analyze the design aspects of its binding, focusing on the combination of graphic, layout details, the overall quality of the problem and so on. I hope to learn from its success stories, summed up the worthy of our reference points.
他们必须是真心认可你的产品,而不是迫于领导的压力,把分享当作一份工来打。要知道,眼尖的网民能非常敏锐地区分出分享与灌水。  第一批“意见领袖”  这是一个做国内市场经验值为零的公司。因为2008年才正式从代工工厂转型做内销。要从零开始建设国内销售渠道,难度可想而知。很多出口转内销的企业,在进入国内市场之后,在第一步拓展经销商这个环节就无法突破,不久之后就被打回原点。  但是他们看见了一个新的机遇,